2.Q:Why does the same sample, measured on two pH meters at the same time, have inconsistent readings?
A:Due to the different correction conditions of the two pH meters (such as the correction done at different times), the measured values are different. Therefore, the pH meter should be corrected with the same buffer at the same time, and then measured at the same time.
3.Q:PH meter measurement is unstable and takes a long time. Why is that?
A:Because of aging electrodes. The response time of the electrode in the buffer can be tested, and if it is greater than 1 minute, the electrode needs to be activated or replaced with a new electrode. If the response time of the measurement buffer is short, but the measurement sample is unstable, it indicates that the electrode is not suitable for measuring the sample under test. Please select the appropriate electrode according to the electrode selection guide.
4.Q:Why has the buffer deteriorated and become unusable during its validity period?
A:Buffer life refers to the shelf life of unopened use state. Once opened and used, the buffer is easy to deteriorate due to the action of various molds in the air. Note: The used buffer must not be poured back into the original bottle!
5.Q:How often should the electrodes be calibrated?
A:The calibration frequency of the electrode depends on the specific situation of electrode use, maintenance, sample nature and measurement accuracy. Calibration is recommended once a day; No more than one calibration per week.If the electrode is replaced and not used for a long time, it must be calibrated before use
. 6.Q:The sample temperature is 10℃.Does the meter show the pH value at 10℃ or 25℃?
A:The pH meter shows the pH of the solution at the current temperature; If measure